CTA & 2/3 Text + 1/3 Image Block

Sort of like columns, but less complex for a few specific needs. Great for calls to action and a nice alternative to the image blurbs block.

Optional Pre-Title Label

A Basic Call to Action Block

Not sure if bootcamp is your next step? When you’re ready, sign up for an info session or schedule a 1:1 Q&A with an advisor.

Till then, we’ll send you info that’s helped 8000+ developers transform the world.

H2 Using “H3 Style” from Formats

Schedule a 1:1 info session on your schedule by selecting an open date and time on one of our advisors’ calendars. They’ll answer any questions you have and walk you through the process.

H3 Apply in 20 Minutes or Less

Complete your application in less than 20 minutes by answering a few questions about your background and professional goals.

The Smaller Column Can be Used for Text or an Image

Friendly text further encouraging the user to choose to take action. Donec mollis hendrerit risus.

This Setup is Also Great for Text Heavy Information Block

White and light blue backgrounds have the same text shadow. Navy has slightly darker shadow. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae mi et ipsum ultrices rhoncus ac gravida dolor. Aliquam ac ligula tempus, tempor odio id, dignissim tellus.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed auctor ultricies dapibus. Fusce faucibus nisi odio. Aenean quis felis blandit, auctor nunc et, eleifend est. Mauris vitae dolor vel erat iaculis cursus nec et velit. Quisque vitae accumsan turpis, vel viverra urna.

Praesent maximus massa ac nibh rutrum ultricies. Mauris lacinia justo porttitor tortor bibendum, vitae convallis mi tincidunt. Aenean placerat eleifend vulputate.

Allen Price Teaching Class

Which Side the Larger Column is on is a Block Setting

Schedule a 1:1 info session on your schedule by selecting an open date and time on one of our advisors’ calendars. They’ll answer any questions you have and walk you through the process.